Location and route Onder de Linde
We have 2 locations in Haarlem. In the Koninginnebuurt and in the new district Schalkwijk-Midden.
Bank: NL18 RABO 0309 9190 96
KvK: 65918002
VAT number: NL856315990B01
Care mail: praktijkonderdelinde@zorgmail.nl
On-duty / Emergency / Intercollegiate: 06-14426492 (24/7)
Mail: mail@praktijkonderdelinde.nl
Fax: 084-8770869
We have a beautiful room for meetings.
If you are looking for a space, you can always contact us to discuss the possibilities.
Rates depend on the part of the day of the week.
You can find our conditions for room rental here.

Wilhelminastraat 40 2011VN Haarlem
Europaweg 1563 2035LA Haarlem

Wilhelminastraat 40
You will find us on Wilhelminastraat, between Alexanderstraat and Mauritsstraat.
You can park in the street and in the side streets. There is always enough parking space. Please note: paid parking.
Europaweg 1563
You will find us at the intersection Europaweg/Italiëlaan. Because we are located in the new Schalkwijk-Midden district, which is still largely under construction, it is best to park on Italiëlaan. You only have to cross the intersection.
By public transport to Wilhelminastraat 40
There are several bus stops in Wilhelminastraat. The nearest stop is the stop “Stadsschouwburg”. Bus lines 300,346, 50 and 80 stop here.
By public transport to the Europaweg
Several Connexxion buses stop at Schalkwijk Centrum, coming from all over Haarlem. From there it is a 4-minute walk to our practice.