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If desired, you can opt for a NIPT test (Non-Invasive Prenatal Test) from 10 weeks of pregnancy. A blood test is used to check whether there are indications of Down, Edwards and Patau syndrome. This test has no risk to pregnancy.
To find out more about the health of your child in good time, there is prenatal screening, or prenatal testing. We can tell you more about this at our practice if you wish. Then you decide whether you want to get tested.
Knowing more? Here are two leaflets with more information about prenatal testing. Both brochures are also available in English, Turkish, Arabic and Polish via the RIVM website.
The NIPT is a screening test without risk for mother or child. NIPT stands for Non-Invasive Prenatal Test and it examines the mother’s blood. In the blood, the placenta cells that contain the chromosomes (DNA) of mother and child are examined. Those cells can give clues to Down, Patau or Edwards syndrome in the baby. The outcome is 99.9% reliable, but the reliability is lower if the NIPT results are not good. In this case, ‘not good’ means that the test has seen an indication of an increased risk of a chromosome abnormality. To be sure, further research is needed. That follow-up test can then, if desired, be chorionic villus sampling or amniocentesis.
This is how the NIPT works
During your first appointment in our practice, we will also discuss the NIPT. You decide whether you want to be informed about this and if so, you decide after all the information whether you also participate in the NIPT. If you wish, we will make an appointment to take blood, that’s possible on our practice! The NIPT is free of costs.
The NIPT is possible from 10 weeks of pregnancy. The blood is taken in our practice. We receive the results in an average of 10 working days, which we will call you directly. If the result shows an increased risk, then there are indications of an abnormality in the baby. In that case we will discuss the possibilities of the follow-up examinations with you and, if you wish, refer you for this.
Would you like to discuss the possibilities of prenatal screening with your obstetrician? Then of course you can, we are here for you. Make an appointment quickly and we will be happy to go through everything with you.