Diet planet Islem Mechani
Onder de Linde is working together with diets Islem Mechani. Islem is reliable, practical and positive, she thinks in possibilities. Bear on the road? Just take a different route. Because of this positive attitude, her empathy and excellent social skills you will quickly feel at ease with Islem. Wanting to help her fellow human beings is in her nature. She listens attentively, and puts herself in your situation to determine with you which steps suit your situation, possibilities and wishes. Good for you, and also for herself this gives energy and satisfaction. Islem lived with her husband and son in Qatar for a number of years, she worked there as a personal trainer and nutritionist. This experience has given her a lot of insight into different food cultures, such as Qatari, Syrian, Lebanese, Egyptian and also Indian and Filipino. Islem likes to cook. She has brought dishes from the Tunisian cuisine from home. But she does not stop there. Islem is an expert in dishes that are tasty and healthy, and at the same time quick and easy. And for a traditional dish with a twist you have come to the right place. For Islem, food is more than fuel: by making the right nutritional choices, you can reduce or even completely prevent many physical complaints. Islem has always had a healthy curiosity about what your body does with food, and how food affects your body. This is also the reason why she became a dietician. Islem likes to exercise, strength training to be precise. And she likes to be outside in nature, for a nice walk
If you want to talk to Islem, you can schedule a consultation www.dieetplaneet.nl/de-dietisten/islem-mechani>here.
Islem is working on Mondays at our location Europaweg 1563.