Bevalcursus@ Onder de Linde
1-day Childbirth Course (after Centering Pregnancy)
Are you participating in Centering Pregnancy in our practice? Then this 1-day course is perfect and specially developed for you!
This fun, compact and educational day will give you all the information you need for childbirth. We will discuss topics that are not (extensively) discussed in Centering Pregnancy, such as:
– The different phases of childbirth
– What you can do yourself to make childbirth go more smoothly
– What partners can do to provide the best possible support
– Positions to cope with contractions
– Breathing techniques
– Ideas for your birth plan
– What if things don’t go as expected?
This informative day takes place monthly in our practice, on a Saturday from 10:00 to 16:00. The costs are €195 per couple, including coffee, tea and lunch. Many health insurers will reimburse (part of) the costs if you have additional insurance. Please check with your health insurer whether this also applies to your insurance.
Would you like to receive more information or the dates of the upcoming course days? Then send an e-mail to: bevalcursus@praktijkonderdelinde.nl